
on . Posted in Classical Mechanics

time 1Time, abbreviated as t, is a fundamental concept in physics and is often described as the fourth dimension.  It is a dimension in which events occur in a sequence, from the past through the present and into the future.  In physics, time is often considered to be relative and can be affected by factors such as gravity and velocity.  The passage of time can be measured using various methods, such as with a clock or with the decay of radioactive materials.

In physics, time can be used to describe the motion of objects, the behavior of waves, and the evolution of physical systems.  The concept of time is also important in many other fields, including philosophy, biology, and psychology.  It is a fundamental part of human experience and plays a crucial role in our understanding of the world around us.


time with Displacement formula

\( t \;=\; d  \;/\; s \)     (Time with Displacement)

\( d \;=\; t \; s  \)

\( s \;=\; d  \;/\; t \)

Symbol English Metric
\( t \) = Time \(sec\)  \(s\) 
\( d \) = Displacement \(ft\)  \(m\) 
\( s \) = Speed \(ft \;/\; sec\)  \(m \;/\; s\) 


time with Power formula

\( t \;=\;   F \; d \;/\; P \)     (Time with Power)

\( F \;=\; t \; P \;/\; d \)

\( d \;=\; t \; P \;/\; F \)

\( P \;=\; F \; d \;/\; t \)

Symbol English Metric
\( t \) = Time \(sec\)  \(s\) 
\( F \) = Force \(lbf\) \(N\)
\( d \) = Displacement \(ft\)  \(m\) 
\( P \) = Power \(W\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3\)


time with Work formula

\( t \;=\;   W \;/\; P \)     (Time with Work)

\( W \;=\; t \; P  \)

\( P \;=\; W \;/\; t \)

Symbol English Metric
\( t \) = Time \(sec\) \(s\)
\( W \) = Work \(lbf-ft\) \(J\)
\( P \) = Power \(W\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3\)


Time Conversion Table

MultiplyByTo get
time (seconds) 0,000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 yoctosecond (ys)
  0,000 000 000 000 000 000 001 zeptosecond (zs)
  0,000 000 000 000 000 001 attosecond (as)
  0,000 000 000 000 001 femtosecond (fs)
  0,000 000 000 001 (trillionth) picosecond (ps)
  0,000 000 001 (billionth) nanosecond (ns)
  0,000 001 (millionth) microsecond (us)
  0,001 (thousandth) millisecond (ms)
  0.01 (hundredth) centisecond (cs)
  1 second (s)
time (year) 60 seconds 1 minute (mean solar)
  59.83617 seconds 1 minute (sidereal)
  60 minutes 1 hour
  24 hours 1 day
  3,600 seconds 1 hour
  86,400 seconds 1 day (mean solar)
  86,164.09 seconds 1 day (sidereal)
  7 days 1 week
  168 hours 1 week
  14 days 1 fortnight
  28, 29, 30 or 31 days 1 month
  365 days 1 year
  366 days 1 leap year
  12 months 1 year
  31,536,000 seconds 1 year (calendar)
  31,558,150 seconds 1 year (sidereal)
  31,556,930 seconds 1 year (tropical)
  9,460,550,000,000,000 meters 1 light year
  299,792,458 meters per sec (m/s) speed of light
  parsec approx. 3.25 light years
time (years) biennial 2
  triennial 3
  quadrennial 4
  quinquennial 5
  hexennial 6
  septennial 7
  octennial 8
  novennial 9
  decennial 10
  hendecennial 11
  duodecennial 12
  tredecennial 13
  quindecennial 15
  sextodecennial 16
  septendecennial 17
  vigintennial 20
  trigentennial 30
  quadragennial 40
  quinquagenary 50
  sexagennial 60
  septuagennial 70
  octogintennial 80
  nonagintennial 90
  centennial 100
  sesquicentennial 150
  bicentennial 200
  tercentennial 300
  quatercentenary 400
  quincentennial 500
  sexcentennial 600
  septcentennial 700
  octocentennial 800
  nanacentennial 900
  millenial 1,000


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