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Wind Chill Factor

Wind chill factor, abbreviated as \(T_{wc}\), also called wind chill index or wind chill temperature, is a measure of how cold it feels when the wind is factored in with the actual air temperature.  It quantifies the rate of heat loss from exposed skin due to the combined effects of low temperature and wind speed.

Wind Chill Factor is Based on the Following Principles

Temperature -  The lower the air temperature, the colder it feels.
Wind Speed  -  The higher the wind speed, the faster heat is carried away from the body, making it feel colder.

The formula used to calculate wind chill, which has been revised over the years, aims to estimate the cooling effect of the wind on the human body.  The result of this formula gives the perceived temperature, which is how cold it feels to a person exposed to the given conditions.  It's important to note that the wind chill factor is not a measure of actual temperature but rather a measure of how weather conditions affect the perception of cold.

Wind chill can be useful for assessing the potential danger of exposure to cold and windy conditions, especially in terms of frostbite and hypothermia.  When the wind chill factor is significantly lower than the actual temperature, it indicates that the weather conditions pose a higher risk to human health.  Keep in mind that different countries may use different formulas to calculate wind chill, so it's essential to be aware of the specific formula used in your region if you need accurate wind chill information.  Additionally, technology and forecasting techniques may continue to evolve, affecting how wind chill is calculated and communicated to the public.


Wind Chill factor formulas

\( T_{wc} \;=\; 35.74 + 0.6215 \; T - 35.75\; v^{0.16}  + 0.4275\;T\; v^{0.16} \)     (Fahrenheit)

\( T_{wc} \;=\; 13.12 + 0.6215 \; T - 11.37\; v^{0.16} + 0.3965\;T\; v^{0.16}  \)     (Celsius)

Symbol English Metric
\( T_{wc} \) = Wind Chill Factor \(F\) \(C\)
\( T \) = Temperature \(F\) \(C\)
\( v \) = Wind Velocity \(mi\;/\;hr\) \(k\;/\;hr\)


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