Slope of the saturated vapor pressure curve, abbreviated as m, describes how the vapor pressure of a substance changes with temperature when the substance is in equilibrium between its liquid and vapor phases. This slope is crucial in thermodynamics, particularly in the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, which relates the change in vapor pressure to temperature. The slope indicates how sensitive the vapor pressure is to changes in temperature.
Slope of Saturated Vapor Pressure Curve Formula |
\( m \;=\; \dfrac{ 4098 \cdot \left( 0.6108 \cdot exp \cdot \dfrac{ 17.27 \cdot T_{mean} }{ T_{mean} + 273.3 } \right) }{ ( T_{mean} + 273.3 )^2 }\) | ||
Symbol | English | Metric |
\( m \) = Slope of Saturated Vapor Pressure Curve | - | \(kPa\;/\;C\) |
\( exp \) = 2.7183 (Base of Natural Logarithm) | - | \(dimensionless\) |
\( T_{mean} \) = Mean Daily Air Temperature at 2 Meters Height | - | \(C\) |