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Water Horsepower

Water horsepower, abbreviated as WHP, is a term used to measure the power or energy associated with the flow of water.  It is a unit of power commonly used in engineering and hydraulics to quantify the rate at which work is performed or energy is transferred by water.  Water horsepower is primarily used in the context of hydraulic systems, such as pumps, turbines, or water wheels, to determine the power requirements or performance of these devices.  It helps assess the ability of a hydraulic system to transfer energy from water flow to mechanical work, such as driving machinery, generating electricity, or lifting water to higher elevations.  Water horsepower is different from the traditional mechanical horsepower unit used to measure power in general contexts.  Water horsepower specifically relates to the power associated with water flow and is not a direct measure of the overall power or efficiency of a machine or system.


Water Horsepower Formula

\( WHP \;=\; \dfrac{ Q \cdot h_t }{3960 }\)     (Water Horsepower)

\( Q \;=\; \dfrac{ WHP \cdot 3960 }{h_t }\)

\( h_t \;=\; \dfrac{ WHP \cdot 3960 }{Q }\)

 Units English Metric
\( WHP \) = Water Horsepower \(lbf-ft\;/\;sec\) -
\(Q \) = Discharge Flow Rate \(ft^3\;/\;sec\) -
\( h_t \) = Total Head \(ft\) -


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