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Condensate Load from Heating Liquid Continuous

conduction convection radiant 4Condensate load from heating a liquid is the amount of condensate (water in liquid form) that is produced when a vapor or gas (often steam) used to heat another liquid condenses back into a liquid state after transferring its heat.   Remember, this is a simplified explanation.  Real-world scenarios might involve more complex thermodynamics, equipment efficiency, and system losses.
Key Points about Condensate Load from Heating Liquid
Heating Process  -  When you heat a liquid (like water or another substance), you typically use a heat source like steam.  This steam gives off its heat to the liquid being heated.
Condensation  -  As the steam transfers its heat to the liquid, it cools down, loses energy, and turns back into water droplets or liquid water.
Condensate Load  -  It is the volume or mass of this liquid water formed from the steam.  It's important in systems where steam is used for heating because:
Temperature Difference  -  The greater the temperature difference between the steam and the liquid being heated, the more condensate you'll produce because more steam will condense.
Surface Area  -  More surface area for heat exchange means more efficient condensation, hence potentially more condensate.
Steam Pressure  -  Higher pressure steam will condense to produce more condensate when it cools to the same temperature as lower pressure steam.


Condensate Load from Heating Liquid Continuous Formula

\( m_c \;=\;  1000 \cdot c_l \cdot SG_l \cdot Q_l  \cdot \dfrac{ T_o - T_i  }{ L_s } \) 
Symbol English Metric
\( m_c \) = condensate load  \(lbm\) \(kg\) 
\( Q_l \) = flow rate of liquid \(ft^3 \;/\; sec\) \(m^3 \;/\; s\)
\( L_s \) = latent heat of steam \(Btu \;/\; lbm\) \(kJ \;/\; kg\)
\( SG_l \) = specific gravity of liquid \(dimensionless\) \(dimensionless\)
\( c_l \) = specific heat of liquid \(Btu \;/\; lbm-F\) \(J \;/\; kg-K\)
\( T_i \) = inlet temperature of liquid \(F\) \(K\)
\( T_o \) = outlet temperature of liquid \(F\) \(K\)


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