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Welded Stress and Strain Connections

Welded stress and strain connections, also called welded connections, are structural elements used to join two or more components together in a way that can transmit forces and moments between them.  These connections are commonly used in steel structures and other types of metal based construction.  The primary purpose of these connections is to transfer loads, such as axial forces, shear forces, and bending moments, from one member to another.

Common Types of Welded Connections

There are several types of welded connections, each designed to address specific load and structural requirements.

Butt Welds  -  In a butt weld, two members are aligned end-to-end and joined by welding along the joint.  This type of connection is suitable for transmitting axial loads.  Depending on the load and design considerations, butt welds can be full penetration (welded through the entire thickness of the joint) or partial penetration.
Fillet Welds  -  Fillet welds are triangular welds that join two members at an angle, typically perpendicular or at 45 degrees.  These welds are commonly used to transmit shear forces.  Fillet welds can be categorized as single fillet, double fillet, or multiple fillet, depending on the number of welds and their arrangement.
Tee Welds  -  Tee welds are used to connect one member to the surface of another member, forming a "T" shape.  This type of connection is useful for transmitting axial forces and shear forces simultaneously.
Corner Welds  -  Corner welds are used to connect two members that meet at a corner.  These connections are often used in box shaped or rectangular structures.
Flare Bevel Groove Welds  -  These welds are used to connect members with non-parallel surfaces, such as the flanges of I-beams.  They provide a larger surface area for welding, making them suitable for transmitting bending moments and shear forces.
Plug and Slot Welds  -  These welds involve creating holes in one member and filling them with weld material to join the two members.  Slot welds are similar but involve a longer slot-like hole.  Plug and slot welds are commonly used for joining thin plates.

The design of welded connections involves careful consideration of factors such as the applied loads, material properties, welding processes, and required safety margins.  Engineers must ensure that the welds are capable of transmitting the intended loads without failure.  Proper weld sizing, choice of welding process, material compatibility, and inspection methods are critical to the overall integrity of the structure.

It's important to note that while welded connections are widely used, they require careful design and execution to avoid potential issues such as weld defects, material distortion, and premature failure.  Proper testing and inspection during fabrication and construction are essential to ensure the quality and performance of welded connections in structural applications.

Bar to Plate Welds

bplc 1AApplied Force on PJP Fillet Weld bplc 2AApplied Force on CJP Fillet Weld bplc 3BBending Moment on PJP Fillet Weldbplc 4Bending Moment on CJP Fillet Weld


bplc 5Bending Moment on PJP Fillet Weld All Aroundbplc 6Torsion Moment on CJP Fillet Weld


Beam to Plate Welds

bpc 1APoint Load on CJP Fillet Weldbpc 2Bending Moment on CJP Fillet Weldbpc 3Torsion Load on CJP Fillet Weld


Flat Plate Welds

fpc 5Axial Force on Angled Butt Weld fpc 6Bending Moment on Butt Weld fpc 7Torsion Moment on Butt Weld fpc 8Bending Moment on Butt Weld


Overlapping Plate Welds