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Electric Voltage

pie chartElectric voltage V or E, also known as electric potential difference, is the measure of the electric potential energy per unit charge that is required to move a charge from one point to another in an electric field.  A unit of electrical pressure.  One volt is the amount of pressure that will cause one ampere of current in one ohm of resistance.

In simple terms, voltage is the force that drives the electric current through a conductor.  It is similar to the pressure that drives water through a pipe.  The greater the voltage, the more electric charge will flow through a circuit.  Voltage can be calculated using Ohm's Law, which relates voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit.


Electric Voltage Formula

\( V \;=\; I \cdot R \)     (Electric Voltage)

\( I \;=\; \dfrac{ V }{ R }\)

\( R \;=\  \dfrac{ V }{ I }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( V \) = voltage \(V\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A\)
\( I \) = current \(I\) \(C \;/\; s\)
\( R \) = resistance \(\Omega\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A^2\)


Electric Voltage Formula

\( V \;=\; \dfrac{ P }{ I }\)     (Electric Voltage)

\( P \;=\;  V \cdot I  \)

\( I \;=\;  \dfrac{ P }{ V }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( V \) = voltage \(V\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A\)
\( I \) = current \(I\) \(C \;/\; s\)
\( P \) = power \(P\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3\)


Electric Voltage Formula

\( V \;=\; \sqrt{ P \cdot R } \)     (Electric Voltage)

\( P \;=\;  \dfrac{ V^2 }{ R }\)

\( R \;=\;  \dfrac{ V^2 }{ P }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( V \) = voltage \(V\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A\)
\( P \) = power \(P\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3\)
\( R \) = resistance \(\Omega\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A^2\)


Voltage in Series Formula

  •  The total voltage of several voltage sources or drops in series.
\( V_t  \;=\;  V_1 + V_2 + V_3 +\; ...    \) 
Symbol English Metric
\( V_t \) = voltage total source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)
\( V_1, V_2, V_3 \) = voltage source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)


Voltage in Parallel Formula

  •  The voltage sources or drops in parallel having equal voltages.
\( V_t  \;=\;  V_1  \;=\; V_2 \;=\; V_3 \;=\;\; ...    \) 
Symbol English Metric
\( V_t \) = voltage total source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)
\( V_1, V_2, V_3 \) = voltage source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)


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