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Electromagnetism Glossary


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  • Air Gap  -  Distance between two surfaces that engage in magnetic action.
  • Anisotropic  -  A type of magnet which is able to cary a higher amount of magnetisation.
  • Antiferromagnetic Element  -  A type of magnetism that exist at lower temperatures and disappears at and above a certain temperature.



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  • Centimeter. Grams, Second (C.G.S.)  -  Also called gaussian units.   A system of measurement used mostly in magnetism.
  • Closed Circuit Condition  -  Exists when the external flux path of a permanent magnet is confined within high permability material.
  • Coercive Force  -  The opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetized material to remove the residual magnetism.
  • Coercivity  -  The resistance of a magnetic material to demagnetization.
  • Coulomb's Law  -  The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two electric charges.
  • Curie Temperature  -  When a material fails to be magnetic.
  • Current  -  The rate of flow of electricity in a circuit, measured in amperes.


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  • Demagnetized  -  A material condition where a ringing AC field has reduced the remanent induction to or near wero.
  • Diamagnetism Element  -  A type of magnetism with a very weak magnetic field that will repelled when in the presence of another magnetic field.


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  • Electric Energy  -  This energy is stored in an electric field or transported by an electric current.
  • Electric Field  -  An invisible space around a charged particle where an electric force is exerted on other charged particles.
  • Electrical Generator  -  Converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.
  • Electricity  -  A build-up of energy or flow of electrons.
  • Electromagnetic Energy  -  A form of energy travels through space as waves.
  • Energy  -  It is never created or destroyed First Law of Thermodynamics, but it can be transferred from one object to another.


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  • Faraday's Law of Induction  -  States that whenever a conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field, an electromotive force is introduced.
  • Ferrite  -  A range of ceramic materials which all have magnetic ability.
  • Ferromagnetism Element  -  A type of magnetism that forms a strong magnetic field and remains magnetized after the presence of another magnetic field has been removed.
  • Ferrous Metal  -  Mostly contain iron.  Since they contain small amounts of metals or added elements they are magnetic and corrode, something non-ferrous metals do not.
  • Field  -  An invisible space around a charged particle where an electric force is exerted on other charged particles.
  • Flux  -  The number of magnetic lines of force.
  • Flux Density  -  The number of lines of magnetism in each square centimeter of pole area.


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  • Gauss  -  Unit of measure of the magnetic induction.
  • Gaussmeter  -  A device that measures magnetic flux.
  • Generator  -  A mechanical device that produces electrical energy from mechanical energy.
  • Gilbert  -  Unit of measure of magneto motive force.



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  • Impedance  -  The total effects of a circuit that opposes the flow of an ac current consisting of capacitance, inductance, and resistance.
  • Inductance  -  The measure of an electric conductor or circuit by which an electromotive force is induced in it.
  • Induction  -  Magnetic flux per unit area of a section normal to the direction of flux.
  • Inductor  -  An energy storage device which stores energy in the form of a magnetic field.
  • Irreversible Loss  -  Correspondsto the irreversible changes that take place when a magnet is demagnetized partially or completely because of exposure to high or low temperatures. or because of other factors such as external demagnetization fields.
  • Insulator  -  Prevents the free flow of electrons, and therefore does not let current flow through them.
  • Isotropic  -  A magnet without a preferred direction of magnetization.


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  • Joule’s Law  -  Is about the amount of heat (energy) delivered to something.


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  • Keeper  -  A type of steel which protects the magnetic area around a type of magnet, and is often used when a magnet is being transported, or stored.


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  • Leakage Flux  -  Does not follow the intended magnetic circuit path.
  • Lenz's Law  -  the direction of the current induced in a conductor by changing magnetic field.
  • Light  -  The electromagnetic spectrum describes light as a wave which has a particular wave length.
  • Lightening Strike Distance  -
  • Lorentz Force  -  When you place a moving charged particle in a magnetic field.


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  • Magnet  -  An object made of certain materials which create a magnetic field.
  • Magnetic Circuit  -  The combination of magnet, permeable flux carriers and air gaps through or around which the magnetic flux path passes.
  • Magnetic Conditioner  -  A piece of equipment which demagnetises magnets in a slow and controlled manner.
  • Magnetic Constant  -  Also called vacuum permability, and magnetic vacuum permability, a physical constant.
  • Magnetic Energy  -  The energy within a magnetic field.
  • Magnetic Field  -  Magnetic fields never cross, never start or stop, where the field is strongest, lines bunch togeather and can be seen clearly seen in the real world.
  • Magnetic Flux  -  The number of magnetic field lines passing through a given closed surface.
  • Magnetic Force Between Parallel Conductors  -  Each wire creates a magnetic field around the wire.  The force between the two wires is related to the current of the wires and the distance between the wires.
  • Magnetic Particle Testing  -  A method of inspection consists in suitable magnetizing the material and applying a prepared magnetic powder which adheres along lines of flux leakage.
  • Magnetic Path  -  The route magnetic flux follows in a magnetic circuit.
  • Magnetic Bermeability  -  The ability of a material to produce a magnetic field, that is to concentrate the magnetic flux lines and thus to increase the value of magnetic induction.
  • Magnetic Pole  -  An area where the lines of flux are concentrated.
  • Magnetic Switch  -  Depending on the switch configuration for on and off, the switch is activated when the magnetic field is detected.
  • Magnetite  -  A black igneous, non-containing mineral with magnetic properties.
  • Maxwell  -  Unit of measure of magnetic flux.
  • Motor  -  Converts the electric energy to mechanical energy.
  • Mu-metal  -  A magnet which is made of nickel and iron primarily.
  • Multipole  -  A magnet which has in excess of two poles.


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  • North Pole  -  A magnetic pole of a magnet which is attached to a geogtaphic north pole if the earth.



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  • Oersted  -  Unit of measure of the magnetization field.
  • Ohm's Law  -  The relationships between power \((P)\), voltage \((V)\), current \((I)\), and resistance \((R)\).
  • Open Magnetic Circuit  -  A circuit where a portion of the magnetic flux path is closed by air.


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  • Paramagnetism Element  -  A type of magnetism with a very weak magnetic field that will only happen when in the presence of another magnetic field.
  • Permeability  -  The extent to which a material is able to acquire magnetization in a magnetic field.
  • Polarity  -  A particular pole at a particular location of a permanent magnet.
  • Pole  -  An area where the lines of flux are concentrated.
  • Power  -  The rate of doing work and is measured by the amount of foot pounds of work done in a particular unit of time.



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  • Reluctance  -  A measure of the relative resistance of a material to the passage of flux.
  • Residual Magnetism  -  The magnetism remaining in a substance after the magnetizing force has been removed.
  • Resistance  -  The ability to resist or prevent the flow of current. In order to overcome the resistance and get the current to flow a higher voltage will be required.
  • Resistor  -  Resist the flow of electricity.
  • Return Path  -  Conduction elements in a magnetic circuit which provides a low reluctance path for a magnetic flux.
  • Right-hand Rule  -  When current is flowing through a wire, the magnetic field rotates around the wire.  The direction of the current determines the direction of the magnetic field.


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  • Search Coil  -  A wire coil which makes up part of a fluxmeter, acting as a transducer.
  • South Pole  -  A magnetic pole of a magnet which is attached to a geogtaphic south pole if the earth.
  • Static Electricity  -  The build up of an electric charge on the surface of an object.
  • Stefan-Boltzmann Law  -  Describes the power radiated from a black body, an ideal black surface that absorbs all radiant energy falling on it, in terms of temperature.
  • Surface Field  -  The magnetic field strength at the surface of the magnet as measured by a gauss meter.
  • Switch  -  A device that opens and closes electrical circuit.


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  • Temperature Coefficient  -  The change in magnetic properties depending on temperature change.
  • Temperature Stabilization  -  After manufacture, many types of hard and soft magnetic materials can be thermally cycled to make them less sensitive to subsequent temperature extremes.
  • Temporary Magnet  -  A magnet that is made of a material that does not allow it to hold its magnetism permanently.
  • Tesia  -  Unit of measure of the magnetic flux density.
  • Thermal Demagnetization  -  When a magnet is exposed to too much heat and it becomes demagnetised and therefore damaged.
  • Transducer  -  A voltage output device used for convert energy to another form.
  • Translucent  -  The material properties permitting the passage of light but diffusing it so that objects beyond cannot be clearly distinguished.
  • Transparent  -  The material properties of allowing light to pass through without a large scattering of light.
  • Transformer  -  A device that uses electromagnetism to convert one current to another current.



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  • Vane  -  A piece of equipment which works as a target, a blocking between the magnetic field between sensor and the actual magnet itself. 
  • Volt  -  A unit of electrical pressure.  One volt is the amount of pressure that will cause one ampere of current in one ohm of resistance.
  • Voltage Drop  -  The electricity between the meter and where it is be used.  It is basically impossible to have no voltage loss.


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  • Weber  -  Unit of measure of the total magnetic flux.





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