Filtration Glossary
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- Absorption - The process of a fluid being taken into the pores of the media.
- Aerosol - A dispersion of small liquid particles in a gas.
- Air Filter - A device for removing particulate material from an airstream.
- Atmospheric Pressure - The pressure exerted upon the earth's surface by the air because of the gravitational attraction of the earth.
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- Backwash - The upward flow of water through a resin or filter bed in the water treatment process. It is used to cleanse, expand and regenerate the resin or filter bed.
- Blinding - The loading up of the filter medium so as to reduce filtration efficiency.
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- Cake - The layer of solids deposited in the filter medium during the clarification of a slury.
- Cake Release - The ability of a filter medium to allow clean separation of the cake from the medium.
- Calendered Cloth - Cloth that has been passed through a pair of heavy rollers to reduce the thickness of the cloth or to flatten the intersections of the wires and provide a smooth surface.
- Capacity - The amount of containment that will be collected on a filter before specified restriction level is reached.
- Carbon Filter - An air purifier using activated carbon as the air cleaning agent for the removal of gaseous contaminants.
- Cartridge Filter - Consist of multiple cylindrical tubes mounted on holders in a pressure tank. The holders seal the ends of the tube so the water must pass through the walls of the cartridges.
- Cellulous Media - A filter material made from plant fiber.
- Check Valve - These valves are designed to allow the process fluid to flow in only one direction to prevent backflow.
- Cleaning Capacity - An air cleaner must constantly re-circulate indoor air in order to effectively reduce concentrations of airborne particulate contamination.
- Cleanroom - A room/facility in which the air supply, air distribution, filtration of air supply, materials of construction, and operating procedures are regulated to control airborne particle concentrations to meet approperate cleanliness levels.
- Clean Zone - A defined space in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled to specified limits.
- Contaminant - Any foreign or unwanted substance which can have a negative effect on system operation, longevity, or reliability.
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- Density - The ratio of the amount of matter in an object compared to its volume.
- Diatomaceous Earth Filter - Made up of multiple leaf filter screens mounted on a shaft in a horizontal cylindrical tank. Flow is from both sides of each leaf into collector channels leading to the center of the shaft.
- Discharge - The liquid that leaves the filter after passing through the filter medium.
- Downstream Pressure - The pressure exiting the outlet side of the heat exchanger.
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- Effective Area - The total area of the filter media exposed to fluid flow.
- Efficiency - Is expressed in percentage and always less than 100%.
- Element - A porous device that performs the actual process of filtrarion.
- Emulsion - A suspension of small liquid droplets within a second liquid that will not mix.
- Emulsion Cleaner - A cleaner consisting of organic solvents dispersed in an aqueous medium with the aid of an emulsifying agent.
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- Filter Life - The duration, time or volume, that a filter can operate effectively between replacement and/or cleaning.
- Filter Medium - A porous sheet capable of passing liquid through while retaining solids by means of mechanical separation.
- Flow Rate - The amount of fluid that flows in a given time past a specific point.
- Fluid - A substance that deforms and changes position when put under stress.
- Fluid Pressure - Fluid at rest, exerts a force perpendicular to any surface in comes in contact with.
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- Gasket - A seal between two components, usually bolted.
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- HVAC - Used in both residental and commercial systems to controll air quality, humidity, and temperature in indoor spaces.
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- Inlet Pressure - See upstream pressure
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- Kinematic Viscosity - The ratio of dynamic viscosity to density or the resistive flow of a fluid under the influance of gravity.
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- Laminar Flow - Generally happens when dealing with low Reynolds numbers in pipes. This could be due to low velocities, large diameters or high viscosities.
- Line Pressure - The pressure in the supply line.
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- Media Filter - A mechanical filter is a vertical cylindrical vessel that contains some sort filter media. In the oil patch, this will be one to several layers of sand, gravel and/or crushed anthracite. It may also use walnut shells for the filtration media.
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- Organic Contaminant - Carbon-based chemicals, such as solvents and pesticides, which enter water through cropland runoff or discharge from factories.
- Osmotic Pressure - The pressure created by the difference in concentration of the constituents on either side of the membrane, and this pressure drives the osmosis process.
- Outlet Pressure - See downstream pressure
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- Particulate - Solid material suspended in water.
- Permeability - The quality of the soil to enable water to move downward through the soil.
- Porosity - A measure of the open area of a filter media. Sometimes called volume of voids.
- Pottable Water - Denotes whether water is suitable for human consumption.
- Precoating - The operation of depositing on inert material prior to beginning filtration.
- Pressure - It is the force exerted perpendicular to the surface of an object and is expressed as force per unit area.
- Pressure Differential - The pressure difference between two points of a system.
- Pressure Loss - The difference in pressure between two points, usually caused by friction resistance in the pipe, but moisture can also affect it.
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- Scale - Rust or corrosion products adhering to the inner surfaces of pipe. It can decrease the ability to transfer heat and increase the pressure drop for flowing fluids.
- Sediment - Matter present in a water supply, commonly diry or sand, that enters the water due to aging pipes.
- Specific Gravity - The density or ratio of any substance to another substance. It sometimes may be called just gravity or relative density.
- Strainer - A closed vessel that collect solid particles to be separated while passing a fluid through a removable screen.
- Supply Air - A mixture of re-circulated air and outside air which has been conditioned and delivered to the space.
- Surface Loading - The accumulation of collected dust on or close to the upstream surface of filter media.
- Surface Media - Filter medias that are thin, cellulosic, microfiber or membrane material and, due to construction, generally provides high flow rate, low pressure rate, and high efficiency, ...
- Suspended Solids - This figure is the sum of all of the suspended material found in a water sample or process stream.
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- Tackifier - A substance applied to filter media to increase the retention of dust.
- Temporary Strainer - A startup strainer, also known as a witch’s hat or conical strainer, in installed in a system to remove unwanted debris from the process stream.
- Thermal Sealing - A method of joining two or more layers of media together using heat.
- Tracer Gases - Compounds such as sulfur hexafluoride, which are used to identify suspected pollutant pathways and to quantify ventilation rates.
- Two-stage Air Cleaner - A dust removal system for intake air with a built-in pre-cleaner and an element.
- Turbidity - The cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by individual particles (suspended solids) that are generally invisible to the naked eye.
- Turbulent Flow - The flow rate at which laminar flow is exceeded and filtration performance is adversely affected.
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- Underrating - Operating a filter at less than manufacturers stated cfm capacity.
- Uniform Density - Having the same weight per unit volume of filter media from the upstream (influent) to the downstream (effluent) side of the filter.
- Unitary Filter - Individual filters when joined with others of the same type, form a filter bank.
- Upstream Pressure - The pressure entering the inlet side of the heat exchanger.
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- Vapor - The gas state of a liquid or solid. Both vapor and gas are basically the same thing.
- Velocity - The rate of change or displacement with time.
- Ventilation - The introduction of outdoor air into a building by mechanical means.
- Ventilation Rate - The rate at which outdoor air enters and leaves a building.
- Viscosity - The measure of the internal friction/resistance to the flow of a liquid.
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- Water Based - A coating in which the film forming ingerdients are dissolved in or suspended in a volatile system containing water as the major solvent.
- Water Desalination - The process of removing salt from water for agriculture and to provide drinking water.
- Water Hammer - Occurs when a valve is suddenly opened or closed.
- Water Hardening - Process of hardening high carbon steels by quenching in water or brine, after heating.
- Water Softener - Used to remove dissolved minerals from water. Hard water can leave mineral scale after evaporation.
- Water Treatment - The manipulation of incoming water to make it suitable for the intended purpose.
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- Zone - The occupied space.