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Science is a systematic and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world. It involves using observation, experimentation, and analysis to develop theories and explanations for the phenomena that we observe in the world around us.  The different fields of science can be grouped into four main categories: Formal science, Natural science, Social science, and Applied science.


Science Index

The scientific method is a key component of science, and involves a systematic approach to asking questions, designing experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results.  Scientists use this method to test their hypotheses and develop theories that can be used to explain natural phenomena.  Science has had a profound impact on our understanding of the world and has led to numerous advances in fields such as medicine, technology, and agriculture.  For example, scientific discoveries have led to the development of vaccines, the discovery of DNA, and the development of renewable energy technologies.

Scientists work in a variety of settings, including universities, government agencies, and private industry.  They may work in research, development, or education, and may specialize in a particular field of science.  Overall, science plays a critical role in our lives, helping us to understand the world around us, solve problems, and develop new technologies that improve our quality of life.


Major Branches of Science

  • Formal Science  -  Concerned with formal systems like computer science, logic and mathematics.
  • Natural Science  -  Understanding the laws of the physical world, everything on earth and in the universe.
  • Social Science  -  It's about behavior, business, education, health, and interactions amoung people's lives.
  • Applied Science  -  Applied scientific knowledge to practical problems in engineering and health.


Science Branches

Formal Science Natural Science Social Science Applied Science
  • Computer Science
    • Theory of Computation
      • Automation Theory
        • Formal Languages
      • Computability Theory
      • Computational Complexity Theory
      • Concurrency Theory
    • Algorithms
      • Randomized Algorithms
      • Distrributed Algorithms
      • Parallel Algorithms
    • Artificial Intelligence
      • Automated Reasoning
      • Computer Vision
      • Expert System
      • Machine Learning
        • Artificial Neural Network
      • Natural Language Processing
        • Computational Linguistics
      • Robotics
    • Computer Architecture
      • VLSI Design
    • Computer Communications
      • Information Theory
      • Internet
        • World Wide Web
      • Wireless Computing
        • Mobil Computing
    • Computer Graphics
      • Computitional Geometry
      • Image Processing
      • Scientific Visualization
    • Computer Security
      • Cryptography
      • Fault- tolerant Computing
      • Reliability
    • Data Structures
    • Distributed Computing
    • Operating Systems
    • Parallel Computing
      • High-performance Computing
    • Human-computer Interaction
      • Numerical Analysis
      • Algebraic Computation
      • Computational Biology
      • Computational Chemistry
      • Computational
      • Finance
      • Computational Mechanics
      • Computational Number Theory
      • Computational Neuroscience
      • Computational Science
      • Computational Sociology
      • Computer-aided Engineering
        • Computational Fluid Dynamics
        • Finite Element Analysis
      • Humanities Computing
      • Scientific Computing
    • Information Science
      • Business Informatics
      • Health Informatics
      • Information Technology
      • Management Information Systems
    • Quantum Computing
    • Software Engineering
      • Formal Methods
        • Formal verification
    • Programming Languages
      • Compilers
      • Concurrent Programming Languages
      • Programming Paradigms
        • Functional Programmomg
        • Object-oriented Programming
      • Program Semantics
      • Type Theory
    • Information Science
      • Database
        • Distributed Database
        • Object Database
        • Relational Database
      • Data Mining
      • Hypermedia
      • Information Retrievel
      • Multimedia
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
    • Descriptive
    • Inferential
  • Systems theory
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Life Science
    • Biology
      • Aerobiology
      • Anatomy
        • Animal Anatomy
        • Artistic Anatomy
        • Comparative Anatomy
        • Descriptive Anatomy
        • Developement Anatomy
        • Human Anatomy
        • Macroscopic Anatomy
        • Microscopic Anatomy
        • Morphological Anatomy
        • Pathological Anatomy
        • Plant Anatomy
        • Surface Anatomy
        • Topographical Anatomy
      • Astrobiology
      • Biochemistry
        • Animal Biochemistry
        • Cell Biology
        • Enzymology
        • Genetics
        • Immunology
        • Metabolism
          • Anabolism
          • Catabolism
        • Molecular Biology
        • Plant Biochemistry
      • Bioengineering
      • Biogeography
      • Biomathematics
      • Biomechanics
        • Allometry
        • Biofluid Mechanics
        • Biotribiology
        • Cardiovascular Biomechanics
        • Comparative   Biomechanics
        • Computational Biomechanics
        • Continuum      Biomechanics
        • Ergonomy
        • Experimental  Biomechanics
        • Forensic Biomechanics
        • Injury Biomechanics
        • Plant Biomechanics
        • Rehabilitation
        • Sports Biomechanics
      • Biomedical Research
      • Biophysics
        • Astrobiophysics
        • Medical Biophysics
        • Membbrane Biophysics
        • Molecular Biophysics
      • Biotechnology
        • Bioinformatics
        • Blue Biotechnology
        • Green Biotechnology
        • Red Biotechnology
        • White Biotechnology
      • Building Biology
      • Botany
        • Agronomy
        • Agrostology
        • Algology
        • Arboriculture
        • Bacteriology
        • Bryology
        • Demdrology
        • Economic Botany
        • Ethnobotany
        • Horticulture
        • Lichenology
        • Mycology
        • Orchidology
        • Paleobotany
        • Palynology
        • Phenology
        • Plant Anatomy
        • Plant Biochemistry
        • Plant Biotechnology
        • Plant Cell Biology
        • Plant Ecology
        • Plant Genetics
        • Plant Pathology
        • Plant Physiology
        • Plant Reproduction
        • Plant Taxonomy
        • Plant Tissue Culture
        • Pomology
        • Pteridology
        • Rhodology
      • Conservation
      • Chronobiology
        • Chronopathology
        • Chronopharmacology
        • Chronophysiology
      • Cryobiology
      • Developmental Biology
        • Embryology
        • Gerontology
      • Ecology
        • Aquatic Ecology
        • Applied Ecology
        • Behavioral Ecology
        • Conservation Ecology
        • Evolutionary Ecology
        • Microbial Ecology
        • Population Ecology
        • Systems Ecology
        • Taxonomic Ecology
        • Terrestrial Ecology
      • Environmental Biology
      • Epidemiology
        • Disaster Epidemiology
        • Evironmental Epidemiology
        • Forensic Epidemiology
        • Molecular Epidemiology
        • Occupational Epidemiology
        • Travel Epidemiology
      • Evolution
        • Evolutionary Biology
          • Evolutionary Developement   Biology
        • Paleobiology
        • Paleontology
          • Micropaleontology
      • Genetics
        • Genomics
        • Popumation Genetics
        • Proteomics
      • Histology
      • Integrative Biology
      • Limnology
      • Marine Biology
      • Microbiology
        • Bacteriology
        • Virology
      • Molecular Biology
        • Structural Biology
      • Morphology
      • Oceanography
        • Biological Oceanography
        • Chemical Oceanography
        • Geological Oceanography
        • Physical Oceanography
      • Oncology
      • Population Biology
        • Population Ecology
        • Population Genetics
      • Pathobiology or Pathology
      • Parasitology
      • Pharmacology
      • Physiology
        • Immunology
        • Kinesiology
        • Neurobiology
          • Neuroscience
      • Histology
    • Phytopathology
    • Psychobiology
    • Sociobiology
    • Systematics
      • Cladistics
      • Phylogeny
      • Taxonomy
    • Zoology
      • Anthrozoology
      • Archnology
      • Arahaeozoology
      • Bionics
      • Cetology
      • Embryology
      • Entomology
        • Coleopterology
        • Dipterology
        • Hemipterology
        • Isopterology
        • Lepidopterology
        • Melittology
        • Myrmecology
        • Orthopterology
        • Trichopterology
        • Vespology
      • Ethology
      • Helminthology
      • Herpetology
        • Batrachology
        • Ophiology
      • Histology
      • Ichthyology
      • Malacology
        • Conchology
      • Mammalogy
      • Norphology
      • Nematology
      • Ornithology
      • Palaeozoology
      • Pathology
      • Primatology
      • Protozoology
      • Taxonomy
      • Zoogeography
      • Zoography
      • Zoometry
      • Zootomy
  • Physical Science
    • Chemistry
      • Analytical Chemistry
      • Astrochemical
        • Cosmochemical
      • Astospheric Chemistry
      • Biochemistry
        • Agrochemistry
        • Bioorganic Chemistry
        • Biophysical Chemistry
        • Environmental Chemistry
        • Immunochemistry
        • Medical Chemistry
        • Pharmacology
        • Natural Product      Chemistry
        • Neurochemistry
      • Computational Chemistry
      • Flavor Chemistry
      • Flow Chemistry
      • Geochemistry
        • Aqueous Geochemistry
        • Isotope Geochemistry
        • Ocean Chemistry
        • Organic Geochemistry
      • Inorganic Chemistry
      • Multidisciplinary
        • Chemical Biology
        • Chemical Engineering
        • Chemical Oceanography
        • Chemical Physics
        • Materials Science
        • Nanotechnology
        • Oenology
        • Spectroscopy
        • Surface Science
      • Nuclear Chemistry
        • Radiochemistry
      • Organic Chemistry
        • Petrochemistry
      • Organometallic Chemistry
      • Photochemistry
      • Photoelectrochemistry
      • Physical Chemistry
        • Chemical Kinetics
        • Chemical   Thermodynamics
        • Electrochemistry
        • Femtochemistry
        • Mathmatical Chemistry
        • Mechanochimestry
        • Physical Organic    Chemistry
        • Quantum Chemistry
        • Sonochemical
        • Stereochemistry
        • Supramolecular
        • Thermochemistry
      • Polymer Chemistry
      • Solid State Chemistry
      • Stereochemistry
      • Theoretical Chemistry
    • Earth Science
      • Environmental Science
        • Ecology
        • Freshwater Biology
        • Marine Biology
        • Parasitology
        • Population Dynamics
        • Environmental      Chemistry
        • Environmental Soil   Science
        • Environmental Geology
        • Toxicology
      • Geography
        • Geoinformatics
        • Human Geography
          • Cultural Geography
          • Economic Geography
          • Health Geography
          • Political Geography
          • Population Demography
          • Social Geography
          • Transporation Geography
          • Tourism Geography
          • Urban Geography
        • Physical Geography
          • Biogeography
          • Climatology and Meteorology
          • Coastal Geography
          • Environmental Management
          • Geodesy
          • Geomorphology
          • Glaciology
          • Hydrology
            • Chemical Hydrology
            • Ecohydrology
            • Drain Basin Management
            • Ecohydrology
            • Ground Water Hydrology
            • Hydrogeology
            • Hydroinformatics
            • Hydrometeorology
            • Isotope Hydrology
            • Surface water Hydrology
            • Water Quality
          • Landscape Ecology
          • Oceanography
          • Palaeogeography
          • Pedology
          • Quaternary Science
        • Cartography
        • Edaphology
        • Geomorphology
        • Pedology
        • Photogrammetry
        • Satellite Navigation
        • Soil Science
        • Topography
      • Geology
          • Economic Geology
          • Environmental Geology
          • Petroleum Geology
          • Planitary Geology
          • Quaternary Geology
          • Structural Geology
        • Geochronology
        • Geomagnetics
        • Mineralogy
          • Gemology
          • Mineral Physics
        • Paylology
        • Petrology
        • Physical Geodesy
        • Sedimentology
        • Seismology
          • Paleoseismology
        • Volcanology
      • Meteorology
        • Atmospheric Physics
          • Aerodynamics
          • Aeronomy
          • Geomagnetism
          • Geophysics
          • Hydrometeorology
          • Radiometer
        • Life Science
          • Bioclimatology
          • Biometeorology
          • Geobiology
        • Weather and Climate
          • Barometer
          • Climatology
          • Paleoclimatology
          • Paleotempestology
          • Topoclimatology
      • Oceanography
        • Biological Oceanography
        • Chemical Oceanography
        • Limnology
        • Marine Geology
        • Paleoceanography
        • Physical Oceanography
      • Physics
  • Archaeology
    • Anthrozoology
    • Archaeology of Rligion
    • Applied Archaeology
    • Archaelogy
    • Cultural Anthropology
    • Ethnobiology
    • Ethnography
    • Ethnology
    • Ethnopoetics
    • Evolutionary Anthropology
    • Experimental Archaeology
    • Linguistic Anthropology
    • Medical Anthropology
    • Physical Anthropology
    • Psychological Anthropology
    • Zooarchaeology
  • Business Studies
    • Accountacy
    • Finance
    • Human Resources Management
    • Management
    • Marketing
    • Organizational Studies
    • Economics
  • Civics
  • Cognitive Science
  • Criminology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Demography
  • Developement Studies
  • Economics
    • Behavioural Economics
    • Bioeconomics
    • Comparative Economics
      • Socialist Economics
    • Developemental Economics
    • Ecological Economics
    • Economic Geographt
    • Economic Sociology
    • Economic Methodology
      • Computational Economics
      • Econometrics
        • Economic Statistics
        • Mathematical Economics
        • Time Series
      • Experimental Economics
    • Energy Economic
    • Entrepreneurial Economics
    • Environmental Economics
    • Financial Economics
    • Heterodox Economics
      • Green Economics
      • Feminist Economics
      • Islamic Economics
    • Industrial Organization
    • International Economics
    • Labor Economics
    • Law and Economics
    • Macroeconomics
    • Managerial Economics
    • Microeconomics
    • Monetary Economics
    • Neoclassical Economics
    • Neuroeconomics
    • Political Economics
    • Public Finance
    • Public Economics
    • Real Estate Economics
    • Resource Economics
    • Socioeconomics
    • Transport Economics
    • Welfare Economics
  • Education
  • Environmental Studies
  • Gender and Sexual Studies
  • Geography
    • Cartography
    • Environmental Geography
    • Human Geography
      • Behavioral Geography
      • Childern's Geography
      • Critical Geography
      • Cultural Geography
      • Developement Geography
      • Economic Geography
      • Feminist Geography
      • Health Geography
      • Historical Geography
      • Marxist Geography
      • Military Geography
      • Political Geography
      • Population Geography
      • Social Geography
      • Strategic Geography
      • Time Geography
      • Toutism Geography
      • Urban Geography
    • Physical Geography
      • Biogeography
      • Climatology
      • Coastal Geography
      • Geodesy
      • Geomorphology
      • Glaciology
      • Hydrography
      • Hydrology
      • Landscape Ecology
      • Limnology
      • Palaeoclimatology
      • Palaeogeography
      • Pedology
    • Regional Geography
  • Gerontology 
  • History
    • Art History
    • Diplomatic History
    • Economic History
    • Environmental History
    • Military History
    • Political History
    • Science History
    • Urban History
    • Women's History
  • Industrial Relations
  • Information Science
  • International Science
  • Law
  • Legal Management
    • Paralegal Studies
  • Library Science
  • Linguistics
    • Anthropological Linguistics
    • Applied Linguistics
    • Biolinguistics
    • Clinical Linguistics
    • Cognitive Linguistics
    • Comparative Linguistics
    • Computational Linguistics
    • developmental Linguistics
      • Language Acquisition
    • Dialectology
      • Dialectometry
    • Discourse Analysis
    • Etymology
    • Evolutionary Linguistics
    • Forensic Linguistics
    • Geolinguistics
    • Historical Linguistics
    • Lexis
    • Linguistics Typology
    • Morphology
    • Neurolinguistics
    • Philology
    • Phonetics
    • Phonology
    • Phraseology
    • Pragmatics
    • Psycholinguistics
    • Sociolinguistics
    • Speach Science
    • Stylistics
    • Syntax
    • Semantics
    • Writing Systems and Orthography
  • Management
  • Media Studies
    • Communication Studies
  • Philosophy
    • Aesthetics
    • Epistemology
    • Ethics
    • Logic
    • Philosophy of Education
    • Philosophy of Information
    • Philosophy of Language
    • Philosophy of Mathematics
    • Philosophy of Mind
    • Philosophy of Science
    • Political Philosophy
    • Social Philosophy
  • Planning
    • Regional Planning
    • Urban Planning
  • Political Science
    • Comparative Politics
    • Game Theory
    • Geopolitics
      • Political Geography
    • Ideology
    • International Relations Theory
    • Political Economy
    • Political Psycholohy
    • Psepology
    • Public Administration
      • Public Policy
      • Local Government Studies
      • International Policies
    • Voting Systems
  • Psychology
    • Applied Psychology
      • Psychological Testing
      • Clinical Psychology
      • Communitive Psychology
      • Consumer Psychology
      • Counseling Psychology
      • Educational Psychology
      • Forensic Psychology
      • Health Psychology
      • Industrial Psychology
      • Legal Psychology
      • Media Psychology
      • Military Psychology
      • Occupational Health Psychology
      • Pastorial Psychology
      • Political Psychology
      • Psychometrics
      • School Psychology
      • Sport Psychology
      • Systems Psychology
      • Traffic Psychology
    • Behavior Analysis
    • Biopsychology
    • Cognitive Psychology
    • Clinical Psychology
    • Cultural Psychology
    • Developemental Psychology
    • Educational Psychology
    • Psychology
    • Evolutionary Psychology
    • Experimental Psychology
    • Forensic Psychology
    • Health Psychology
    • Humanistic Psychology
    • Industrial Psychology
    • Music Therapy
    • Neuropsychology
    • Personality Psychology
    • Psychometrics
    • Psychology of Region
    • Psychophysics
    • Sensation and Perception Psychology
  • Public Administration
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
    • Criminology
    • Demography
    • Urban and Rural Socialogy
  • Sustainable Developement
  • Sustainable Studies
  • Agronomy
    • Animal Husbandry
    • Aquaculture
      • Algaculture
      • Maariculture
    • Agriculture
      • Culiculture
      • Fungiculture
      • Olericulture
      • Sericulture
    • Food Service
    • Forestry
      • Forest Management
      • Forest Mensuration
      • Silviculture
      • Silviculture Systems
      • Forest Utilization
    • Horticulture
      • Floriculture
      • Hydroculture
        • Hydroponics
    • Permaculture
      • Agroforestry
      • Domesticated Animals
      • Fruit Tree Management
      • Grazing
      • Hugelkultur
      • Keyline Design
      • Marine Systems
      • Natural Building
      • Rainwater Harvesting
      • Sheet Mulching
      • Suburban and Urban Permaculture
      • Vegan Permaculture
      • Vermicomposting
  • Architecture
    • BMI Architect
    • Commercial Architect
    • Design Architect
    • Green Design Architect
    • Industrial Architect
    • Interior Designer
    • Landscape Architect
    • Planning Architect
    • Residental Architect
    • Restoration Architect
    • Site Architect
    • Technical Architect
    • Urban Designer
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Education
  • Electronics
  • Energy Storage
    • Electrochemical Energy
    • Mechanical Energy
    • Thermal Energy
  • Energy Technology
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
    • Atmospheric Science
    • Ecology
    • Environmental Chemistry
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Geoscience
  • Forensic Science
    • Computational Forensic
    • Digital Forensic
    • Forensic Accounting
    • Forensic Anthropology
    • Forensic Archaeology
    • Forensic Astronomy
    • Forensic Ballistics
    • Forensic Botany
    • Forensic Chemistry
    • Forensic Dactyloscopy
    • Forensic Document Examination
    • Forensic DNA Analysis
    • Forensic Entomology
    • Forensic Geology
    • Forensic Linguistics
    • Forensic Meteorology
    • Forensic Odontology
    • Forensic Pathology
    • Forensic Podiatry
    • Forensic Toxicology
  • Health Science
    • Dental
      • Community or Preventive
      • Endodontics
      • Geriatric
      • Implantology
      • Oral Medicine and Radiology
      • Oral and Masillofacial Surgery
      • Oral Pathology
      • Orthodontics
      • Pedodontics
      • Periodontics
      • Prosthodontics
    • Medical
      • Aetiology
      • Cardiology
      • Chiropody
      • Cytology
      • Dietetics
      • Embryology
      • ENT
      • Epidemiology
      • Genetics
      • Geriatrics
      • Gerontology
      • Gynaecology
      • Haematology
      • Immunology
      • Neurology
      • Obstetrics
      • Oncology
      • Orthopaedics
      • Paediatrics
      • Pathology
      • Pharmacology
      • Radiology
      • Rheumatology
      • Urology
      • Virology
      • Ophthalmology
      • Otolaryngology
    • Pharmacy
      • Medical Chemistry
      • Pharmaceutics
        • Dispensing Pharmacy
        • Pharmaceutical Formulation
        • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
        • Physical Pharmacy
      • Pharmacognosy
      • Pharmacology
      • Pharmacy Practice
        • Clinical Interventions
        • Communication Skills
        • Patient Care
        • Pharmaceutical Care
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Management
    • Accounting
    • Engineering
    • Financial
    • Human Resources
    • IT
    • Marketing
    • Operations
    • Production
    • Project
    • Quality
    • Risk
    • Sales
    • Service
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Microtechnology
  • Military Science
    • Military Organization
    • Military Education and Training
    • Military Engineering
    • Military Strategy and Tactics
  • Applied Physics
    • Optics
    • Nanotechnology
    • Nuclear Technology
  • Spacial Science
    • GIS
    • Remote Sensing
    • Photogrammetry



Formal Science Natural Science  Social Science  Applied Science


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