Miscellaneous Datasheets
- AASHTO Exhibit 3-1 Stopping Sight Distance
- AASHTO Exhibit 3-2 Stopping Sight Distance on Grade
- Absolute Roughness
- Allowable Pipe Span
- ANSI Class Torque Factor
- API Tank Size
- Architectural Decimal Text Size and Scale
- Architectural Inch Text Size and Scale
- ASCII Characters
- Cement Lined Pipe Size
- Decimals of a Foot
- Density of Material
- Density of Nonmetallic Solids
- Equivalent Feet of Straight Pipe
- Flange Pressure and Temperature Ratings, B16.5
- Flex Connector - Hose Length for Degree of Bend
- Flex Connector - Hose Length for Offset Motion
- Friction Coefficient of Material
- Fraction to Meter
- Hazen-Williams Coefficient
- Ideal Gas Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure - English Units
- Ideal Gas Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure - Metric Units
- Instrumentation Matrix
- Instrument Naming
- Liquid Properties
- Loss Coefficient
- Loss Coefficient for Fittings and Valves
- Matter Properties
- Ohm's Law
- Oxygen Index
- Pipe Inch to Meter Conversion
- Poisson's Ratio of an Element
- Propane Vapor Pressure
- Relative Density of Soil
- Specific Gravity of Material
- Specific Heat Capacity of Non-metallic Solids
- Steam Saturation Pressure Properties
- Steam Saturation Temperature Properties
- Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Material
- Thermal Conductivity of Non-metallic Solids
- Thermal Diffusivity of Non-metallic Solids
- Thermal Expansion of an Element
- Universal Gas Constant
- Vapor Pressure Correlations Parameters
- Water Compressed Liquid Properties
- Welding Groups & Processes