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Mathematics and Management Rules and Symbols

"T" Formula Symbols

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

SymbolGreek SymbolDefinitionEnglishMetricSIValue
\(a_t\) - tangential acceleration \(\large{\frac{ft}{sec^2}}\) \(\large{\frac{m}{s^2}}\) \(m - s^{-2}\) -
\(F_t\) - tangential force \(lbf\) \(N\)  \(kg - m - s^{-2}\) -
\(v_t\) - tangential velocity \(\large{\frac{ft}{sec}}\) \(\large{\frac{m}{s}}\) \(m - s^{-1}\) -
\(Ta\) - Taylor number dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless -
\(TS\) - tear strength \(\large{\frac{lbf}{in}}\) \(\large{\frac{kg}{mm}}\) \(kg - mm^{-1}\) -
\(T\) - temperature \(F\) \(C\) \(x+273.15\;K\) -
\(\alpha\), \(\;\beta\) alpha, beta temperature coefficient \(F\) \(C\) \(x+273.15\;K\) -
\(y\) - temperature derating factor - - - -
\(T_d\), \(\;\Delta T\), \(\;TD\) Delta temperature differential \( F\) \(C\) \(x+273.15\;K\) -
\(\nabla T\) nabla temperature gradient - - - -
\(T\) - temperature of an ideal gas \( F\) \(C\) \(x+273.15\;K\) -
\(\large{ \partial T }\) partial temperature rate of change - - - -
\(V_{temp}\) - temporary specific volume vatiable \(\large{\frac{ft^3}{lbm}}\) \(\large{\frac{m^3}{kg}}\) \(m^3 - kg^{-1}\) -
\(T_{sat}\) - temperature saturation point \( F\) \(C\) \(x+273.15\;K\) -
\(T\) - tensile force \(lbf\) \(N\) \(kg - m - s^{-2}\) -
\(s\) - tensile strength  \(\large{\frac{lbf}{in^2}}\) \(Pa\)  \(kg-m^{-1}-s^{-2}\) -
\( f_t \) - tensile strength of concrete  \(\large{\frac{lbf}{in^2}}\) \(Pa\) \(kg-m^{-1}-s^{-2}\) -
\(\sigma\) sigma tensile stress - - - -
\(T\) - tension \(lbf\) \(N\) \(kg - m - s^{-2}\) -
- - tension (change in dimension) - - - -
\(\sigma\) sigma tension coefficient - - - -
\(F_t \) - tension force - - - -
\(v_t\) - terminal velocity \(\large{\frac{ft}{sec}}\) \(\large{\frac{m}{s}}\) \(m - s^{-1}\)  -
\(C_t\) - thermal capacitance \(\large{\frac{Btu}{F}}\) \(\large{\frac{J}{K}}\) \(J - K^{-1}\)   -
\(C\) - thermal conductance of air space - - - -
\(Q\) - thermal conduction - - - -
\(p\) - thermal conduction rate - - - -
\(K\), \(\;k\) - thermal conductivity \(\large{\frac{Btu-ft}{hr-ft^2-F}}\) \(\large{\frac{W}{m-K}}\) \(W - m^{-1} -K^{-1}\) -
\(\lambda\) lambda thermal conductivity coefficient \(\large{\frac{Btu-ft}{hr-ft^2-F}}\) \(\large{\frac{W}{m-K}}\)  \(W - m^{-1} -K^{-1}\) -
\(k_t\) - thermal conductivity constant \(\large{\frac{Btu-ft}{hr-ft^2-F}}\)  \(\large{\frac{W}{m-K}}\) \(W - m^{-1} -K^{-1}\) -
\(\lambda_{ik}\) lambda thermal conductivity tensor - - - -
\(h_c\) - thermal contact conductance coefficient - - - -
\(p\) - thermal current - - - -
\(D_{td}\) - thermal diffusion coefficient - - - -
\(\alpha_t\) alpha thermal diffusion factor - - - -
\(k_t\) - thermal diffusion ratio dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless -
\(\alpha\) alpha thermal diffusivity \(\large{\frac{ft^2}{sec}}\) \(\large{\frac{m^2}{s}}\) \(m^2 - s^{-1}\) -
\(T\), \(\;\eta_{th}\) eta thermal efficency dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless -
\(Q\) - thermal energy \(Btu\) \(\large{\frac{kg-m^2}{s^2}}\)  \(kg - m^2 - s^{-2}\) -
\(\alpha\), \(\;\alpha_c\) alpha thermal expansion coefficient \(\large{ \frac{in}{in-F} }\) \(\large{ \frac{mm}{mm -C} }\) \(mm - mm^{-1} -C^{-1}\) -
- - thermal expansion of gases - - - -
- - thermal expansion of liquids - - - -
- - thermal expansion of solids - - - -
\(\alpha\) alpha thermal expansivity - - - -
\(l\) - thermal intensity \(\large{\frac{Btu}{h-ft^2}}\) \(\large{\frac{W}{m^2}}\) \(W - m^{-2}\) -
\(p\) - thermal power transfer - - - -
\(R\), \(\;R_t\) - thermal resistance \(\large{\frac{hr-F}{Btu}}\) \(\large{\frac{K}{W}}\) \(K - W^{-1}\) -
\(\epsilon_t\) epsilon thermal strain - - - -
\(\sigma_T\) sigma thermal stress \(\large{\frac{lbf}{in^2}}\) \(Pa\) \(kg-m^{-1}-s^{-2}\) -
\(\tau\) tau thermal time constant \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(T\), \(\;\tau\) tau thermodynamic temperature - - - -
\(d\), \(\;t\), \(\;\delta\) delta thickness \(ft\) or \(in\) \(m\) or \(mm\) \(m\) or \(mm\)  -
\(t_f\) - thickness of the flange of a steel beam cross-section \(in\) \(mm\) \(mm\) -
\(t_w\) - thickness of the web of a steel beam cross-section \(in\) \(mm\) \(mm\) -
\(\mu\) mu Thomson coefficient - - - -
\(\sigma_e\) sigma Thomson cross section \(ft^2\) \(m^2\) \(m^2\) \(6.652\;458\;7321\;(60)\;x\;10^{-29}\) \(m^2\)
\(d\) - throat depth of weld \(in\) \(mm\) \(mm\) -
\(T\) - throat size of a weld \(in\) \(mm\) \(mm\) -
\(F\) - thrust \(lbf\) \(N\)  \(kg - m - s^{-2}\) -
\(F\) - thrust force \(lbf\) \(N\)  \(kg - m - s^{-2}\) -
\( t\) - time \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(\tau\) tau time constant \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(dt\), \(\;\Delta t\) Delta time differential \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(t_f\) - time of flight \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(\Delta t\) Delta time interval \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(t_p\) - time of observation \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(t_c\) - time of relaxation \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(T\) - time scale - - - -
\(T\), \(\;\tau\) tau torque \(lbf-ft\) \(N-m\) \(kg-m^2-s^{-2}\) -
\(T_s\) - torque speed \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{sec}}\) \(\large{\frac{J}{s}}\)   \(J - s^{-1}\) -
\(T\) - torsion \(lbf-ft\) \(N-m\) \(kg-m^2-s^{-2}\) -
\(T\) - torsion (circle section) \(lbf-ft\) \(N-m\) \(kg-m^2-s^{-2}\) -
\(J\) - torsion constant for circle cross-section \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{rad}}\) \(\large{\frac{N-m}{rad}}\)  \(N - m - rad^{-1}\) -
\(J\) - torsion constant for ellipse cross-section \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{rad}}\) \(\large{\frac{N-m}{rad}}\)  \(N - m - rad^{-1}\) -
\(J\) - torsion constant for rectangle cross-section \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{rad}}\) \(\large{\frac{N-m}{rad}}\)  \(N - m - rad^{-1}\) -
\(J\) - torsion constant for square cross-section \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{rad}}\) \(\large{\frac{N-m}{rad}}\)  \(N - m - rad^{-1}\) -
\(K\) Kappa torsion coefficient - - - -
\(J\) - torsional constant \(in^4\) \(mm^4\) \(mm^4\) -
\(f\) - torsional flexibility \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{rad}}\) \(\large{\frac{N-m}{rad}}\)  \(N - m - rad^{-1}\) -
\(k\) - torsional stiffness \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{rad}}\) \(\large{\frac{N-m}{rad}}\)  \(N - m - rad^{-1}\) -
\(K\) - tortional stiffness constant - - - -
\(v\) - Torricelli's law \(\large{\frac{ft}{sec}}\) \(\large{\frac{m}{s}}\) \(m - s^{-1}\)  -
\(k_r\) - torsional spring constant \(\large{\frac{lbf-ft}{rad}}\) \(\large{\frac{N-m}{rad}}\)  \(N - m - rad^{-1}\) -
\(\tau\) tau tortuosity dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless -
\(n\) - total - - - -
\(J\), \(\;j_i\) - total angular momentum  \(\large{\frac{lbm-ft^2}{sec}}\)  \(\large{\frac{kg-m^2}{s}}\)   \(kg - m^2 - s^{-1}\) -
\(\omega_t\) omega total angular velocity \(\large{\frac{rad}{sec}}\) \(\large{\frac{rad}{s}}\)  \(rad - s^{-1}\) -
\(P\) - total concentrated load \(lbm\) \(N\)  \(kg - m - s^{-2}\) -
\(h_d\) - total discharge head \(ft\) \(m\) \(m\) -
\(d_t\) - total displacement \(ft\) or \(in\) \(m\) or \(mm\) \(m\) or \(mm\) -
\(TDH\) - total dissolved head \(ft\) \(m\) \(m\) -
\(TDS\) - total dissolved solids \(ppm\) \(\large{\frac{mg}{L}}\)  \(mg - L^{-1}\) -
\(Q_n\) - total energy \(lbf-ft\) \(J\) \(kg - m^2 - s^{-2}\) -
\(h_t\) - total head \(ft\) \(m\) \(m\) -
\(Q_t\) - total heat \(Btu\) \(kJ\) \(kJ\)  -
\(Q\) - total heat transfer \(\large{\frac{Btu}{hr}}\) \(W\)  \(kg - m^2 - s^{-2} - A^{-1}\)    -
\(W\) - total load from a uniform distribution \(lbm\) \(N\)  \(kg - m - s^{-2}\) -
\(m_t\) - total mass \(lbm\) \(kg\) \(kg\) -
\(p_t\) - total pressure \(\large{\frac{lbf}{in^2}}\) \(Pa\) \(kg- m^{-1}-s^{-2}\) -
\(\eta_{tp}\) eta total pump efficency dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless -
\(V\) - total shear force - - - -
\(T_s\) - total stagnation temperature \(F\) \(C\) \(x+273.15\;K\) -
\(U\) - total strain energy \(lbf-ft\) \(J\) \(kg - m^2 - s^{-2}\) -
\(h_s\)   total suction head \(ft\) \(m\) \(m\) -
\(T\) - total term - - - -
\(t_t\) - total time \(sec\) \(s\) \(s\) -
\(V_t\) - total velocity \(\large{\frac{ft}{sec}}\) \(\large{\frac{m}{s}}\) \(m - s^{-1}\) -
\(V_t\) - total volume of soil \(ft^3\) \(m^3\) \(m^3\)  -
\(W_t\) - total weight of soil \(lbf\) \(N\) \(kg-m-s^{-2}\) -
\( W_t\) - total work \(lbf-ft\) \(J\) \(kg - m^2 - s^{-2}\) -
- - trajectory of a projectile - - - -
- - trajectory of a projectile on a hill - - - -
\(\dot {t}\) - transfer rate - - - -
\(TU\) - transfer units - - - -
\(KE_t\) - translational kinetic energy  -  - - -
\(\gamma\) gamma transmissivity - - - -
\(T\), \(\;\tau\) tau transmittance dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless -
\(T\) - transmitted torque \(lbf-ft\) \(N-m\) \(kg-m^2-s^{-2}\) -
\(\tau\) tau transmission coefficient - - - -
\(TL\) - transmission loss \(dB\) \(dB\) \(dB\)  -
\(\Delta x\) Delta transverse displacement - - - -
\(\epsilon_t\) epsilon transverse strain (laterial strain) \(ft\) \(m\) \(m\) -
\(T\) - travel \(in\) \(mm\) \(mm\) -
\(\epsilon\) epsilon true strain \(\large{\frac{in}{in}}\) \(\large{\frac{mm}{mm}}\) \(mm - mm^{-1}\) -
\(\sigma\) sigma true stress \(\large{\frac{lbf}{in^2}}\) \(MPa\) \(N - mm^{-2}\) -
\(Pr_t\) - Turbulent Prandtl number dimensionless dimensionless dimensionless -
\(2D\) - two-dimension - - - -
Symbol Greek Symbol Definition English Metric SI Value


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