Petroleum Glossary
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- Abandoned Pipeline - A transmission pipeline that has been permanently removed from service and left in place.
- Acid Gas - Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide contained in natural gas and refinery streams; so named because they can cause corrosion
- API Gravity - The standard by which all crude oils are measured. API gravity is used to determine the specific gravity of crude oil and thus its density. Lighter crudes are more valuable because they are more easily refined into gasoline. Crude with an API gravity of 10 is equivalent in density to water.
- Area Classification Drawing - A hazardous area classification drawing (also known as an area classification drawing) outlines the classifications of areas where flammable liquids, gasses or vapors are handed, processed or stored.
- Associated Gas - A well drilled as part of an appraisal drilling program which is carried out to determine the physical extent, reserves and likely production rate of a field.
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- Bacdkfill - The filling in of a void in a utility ditch that was created by excavation, usually by replacing the soils that were removed.
- Barlow's Formula - The point just before or at when a pipe or tubing fails under pressure.
- Barrel - A volume measure equal to 42 U.S. gallons or approximately 160 liters.
- Base Gas - Gas in a storage reservoir which provides the pressure necessary for designed withdrawals of working gas.
- Batch - A shipment of one type of product through a pipeline.
- Batching Sequence - The order in which specific volumes of petroleum product are sent through a pipeline.
- Battery Site - A gas or oil facility with product separation and multiphase delivery point measurement for one or more wells.
- Benchmark Crude - A reference crude oil with whom the prices of other crudes are compared with.
- Bleed Ring - A ring section with one or more radial pipe connections designed to fit between standard flanges within the bolt circle, using conventional gasket material.
- Blending Plant - A facility which has no refining capability but is either capable of producing finished motor gasoline through mechanical blending or blends oxygenates with motor gasoline.
- Block Flow Diagram - A block schematic diagram is a simplified representation of a Process Flow Diagram (PFD).
- Blowdown - Condensate and gas is produced simultaneously from the outset of production.
- Blowout - When well pressure exceeds the ability of the wellhead valves to control it.
- Blowout Prevention - Casinghead equipment that prevents the uncontrolled flow of oil, gas and mud from the well by closing around the drillpipe or sealing the hole.
- Boiler - A closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated under pressure for generating steam or other hot fluids.
- Bore - Trenchless stream crossing method by which a hole is drilled horizontally from bell hole to bell hole (with or without casing) to allow the installation of a pipeline.
- Bottoms - Residue remaining in a distillation unit after the highest boiling point material to be distilled has been removed.
- Bottom Sediment Water - Water, being heavier than oil, will collect in the bottom of tanks if water is being produced with the oil. This water will contain some sediment material produced out of the well.
- Brackish Water - Indefinite term meaning water with small amounts of salt. Saltier than fresh water.
- Bridge Plug - A downhole tool (composed primarily of slips, a plug mandrel, and a rubber sealing element) that is run and set in casing to isolate a lower casing interval while testing an upper section.
- Bulk Station - A facility used primarily for the storage and/or marketing of petroleum products which has a total bulk storage capacity of less than 50,000 barrels and receives its petroleum products by tank car or truck.
- Bulk Terminal - A facility used primarily for the storage and/or marketing of petroleum products which has a total bulk storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more and/or receives petroleum products by tanker, barge or pipeline.
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- Casinghead Gas - Gas found naturally in oil and produced with the oil.
- Cathodic Protection - A method used to control corrosion on the surface of a metal which can be above or below ground pipes, tanks, vessels, etc. This process is accomplished by placing a sacrificial anode (material) connected to the protected metal.
- Cavitation - The creation and collapse of bubbles in a liquid.
- Coal - A readily combustible black or brownish-black rock whose composition, including inherent moisture, consists of more than 50 percent by weight and more than 70 percent by volume of carbonaceous material. It is formed from plant remains that have been compacted, hardened, chemically altered, and metamorphosed by heat and pressure over geologic time.
- Co-Generation - The simultaneous generation of electricity and thermal energy (heat/steam process), through the sequential and efficient use of energy volumes from the same source. This increases the thermal efficiency of the thermodynamic system as a whole.
- Commercial Field - An oil and/or gas field judged to be capable of producing enough net income, at sufficiently low risk, to make it economic for development.
- Compressor - A device that forces air or gas into a smaller area increasing the volume and creating a usable force of energy.
- Corrosion - The thinning of a pipe wall that is typically caused by a chemical reaction from a corroding fluid or agent and is limited almost exclusively to metal products.
- Corrosion Allowance - The amount of material in a pipe or vessel that is available for corrosion without affecting the pressure containing integrity.
- Crack Spread - The difference in value between crude oil and the product or products refined from it, a reflection of Refining Margin.
- Crude Oil - A mixture of hydrocarbons that exists in liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities.
- Cushion Gas - The amount of gas required in a storage pool to maintain sufficient pressure to keep the working gas recoverable.
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- Daisy Chain - The process by which a cargo of oil or oil products is sold many times before being delivered to the customer.
- Density - The ratio of the amount of matter in an object compared to its volume.
- Developer - An individual or group of individuals who imply for permits to alter, construct and install buildings or improvements or change the grade on a specific piece of property.
- Direct Heater - Is designed such that the transfer of heat is accomplished by direct contact of the fluid with the firebox/ fire-tube.
- Direct Gas-Fired Heater - The burner fires directly in the air stream being heated, rather than through a heat exchanger.
- Dissolved Gas - Commonly referred to as solution gas.
- Distillate - Generic name for kerosene, diesel fuel and heating oil.
- Distillation Pipeline - A natural gas pipeline other than a gathering or transmission line. A distribution pipeline is generally used to supply natural gas to the consumer and is found in a network of piping located downstream of a natural gas transmission line.
- Domestic Crude Oil - Crude oil produced in the United States including the outer continental shelf.
- Downstream - A sector of the petroleum industry that refers to the refining of crude oil, and the products derived from crude oil
- Dry Gas - Almost pure methane gas, lacking water and with few heavy components.
- Dry Sand - Nonproductive sand encountered in drilling.
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- Equipment Location Plan - A Plot General Arrangement Drawing or Equipment Location Plan is a drawing created to show the location of equipment relative to other pieces of equipment.
- Enhanced Oil Recovery - Various methods used to enhance production from an oil reservoir.
- Equipment Index - After the major process design has been completed, an equipment index (also known as an equipment list or equipment schedule) is created.
- Expansion Joint - Heat and cold causes piping systems to expand and contract. This expansion and contraction can put enormous stresses on the pipe causing it to buckle or fail.
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- Facility - A buried or underground conductor, pipe, or structure used to provide utility services, such as electricity, natural gas, liquids refined from oil, oil, sewage, storm drains, telecommunications, or water.
- Facility Operator - Any person, utility, municipality, authority, political subdivision or other person or entity who operates or controls the operation of an underground line or facility.
- Flash Steam - When hot condensate is released from a high pressure to a lower pressure steam. This steam is the same as normal steam, the name is just given to explain how the steam is formed.
- Flash Tank - A vessel used to separate the gas created from liquid when it is flashed from a high pressure to a low pressure.
- Flow Rate - Measure the amount of fluid that flows in a given time past a specific point if the temperature and pressure were at standard conditions.
- Free Water Knockout - A pressure vessel that uses residence time to separate water from the production process. It is usually the first part of an oil dehydration facility
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- Gas - Natural gas, flammable gas, or gas which is toxic or corrosive. Gasses are normally compared to air in terms of density.
- Gas Field - A field containing natural gas but no oil.
- Gas Injection - The process whereby separated associated gas is pumped back into a reservoir for conservation purposes or to maintain the reservoir pressure.
- Gas Lift - A system of pumping petroleum by gas instead of air.
- Gas Oil - A liquid petroleum distillate having a viscosity intermediate between that of kerosene and lubricating oil. It derives its name from having originally been used in the manufacture of illuminating gas. It is now used to produce distillate fuel oils and gasoline.
- Gas Transmission Line - A pipeline or other than a gathering line, that transports gas from a gathering line or storage facility to a distribution center, storage facility, or large volume customer that is downstream from a distribution center.
- Gathering Line - A pipeline that transports oil or gas from a central point of production to a transmission line or mainline.
- Guy Anchor - The support to which derrick guys are attached.
- Guy Ring - Rings on the head block of a derrick mast to which the guy ropes are attached.
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- Hazardous Liquid - Includes petroleum, petroleum products, anhydrous ammonia, and carbon dioxide.
- Hazardous Liquid Pipeline - All parts of a pipeline facility through which a hazardous liquids move in transportation, including, but not limited to, line pipe, valves, and other appurtenances connected to line pipe, pumping units, fabricated assemblies associated with pumping units, metering and delivery stations and fabricated assemblies therein, and breakout tanks.
- Heat Exchanger - A device used to transer heat from one medium to another at different temperatures. The heat transfer can be air or a liquid such as water or oil.
- Heat Transfer - The exertion of power that is created by heat, or the increase in temperature.
- Heater Treater - A pressure vessel that uses heat and residence time to separate clean, dry oil from incoming fluids. It usually is located immediately downstream of the Free Water Knockout during the oil dehydration process.
- Heavy Crude - Crude oil of 20° API gravity or less; often very thick and viscous.
- Heavy Gas Oil - Petroleum distillates with an approximate boiling range from 651 degrees Fahrenheit to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Heavy Oil - Lower gravity, often higher viscosity oils. Normally less than 28° API gravity.
- High Consequence Area - A location that is specifically defined in pipeline safety regulations as an area where pipeline releases could have greater consequences to the health and safety or the environment.
- High-Sulfur Distillate Fuel Oil - Distillate fuel oil having sulfur content greater than 500 ppm.
- Hub - A location where several pipelines interconnect.
- Hydrocarbon - Chemical compound containing hydrogen and carbon used as a fuel, e.g., petroleum, methane, butane.
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- Independent Producer - An energy company, usually in the exploration and production segment of the industry and generally, with no marketing, transportation or refining operations. A non-integrated producing company in the oil industry.
- Indirect Heater - Is where the heating element heats the water or another heating medium and the heating medium is then used to transfer heat to the process stream.
- Inhibitor - An additive that retards or stops an undesired chemical reaction such as spontaneous polymerization.
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- Kinetic Energy - The energy an object possesses by virtue of its motion. If it moves, it has kinetic energy.
- Knockout - A separator used to remove excess gas or water from the produced fluid stream.
- Knockout Drum - A vessel wherein suspended liq- uid is separated from gas or vapor.
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- Lease - Legal document giving an operator the right to drill for or produce oil or gas; also, the land on which a lease has been obtained.
- Lifting Costs - The operating costs of producing oil or gas from a well, licence or lease.
- Light Gas Oil - Liquid petroleum distillates heavier than naphtha, with an approximate boiling range from 401 degrees to 650 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Line Pipe - The length of a pipe comprising the main part of transmission pipeline segments. Line pipe is identified as only the pipe, excluding ancillary facilities and structures that are located on company property adjacent to the pipeline right-of-way.
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- Mass Flow Rate - The average velocity of a mass that passes by a point.
- Melting Point - A solid is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid. At the melting point the solid and liquid phase exist in equilibrium. The melting point of a substance depends (usually slightly) on pressure and is usually specified at standard pressure.
- Methane - The principal constituent of natural gas. The simplest hydrocarbon molecule, containing one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.
- Midstream - The processing, storage and transportation, primarily pipelines, sector of the petroleum industry.
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- Natural Gas - Gas, occurring naturally, and often found in association with crude petroleum.
- Nozzle - An opening in a tank or vessel for a flanged connection. To strengthen nozzles a reinforcing pad is used.
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- Oil Pool - A term applied to a productive oil field, an accumulation of liquid hydrocarbons in sedimentary rock that yields petroleum on drilling.
- Operator - A person, acting for himself or as an agent for others and designated to the Commission as the one who has the primary responsibility for complying with its rules and regulations in any and all acts subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
- Orifice Plate - Measures the flow of a liquid or gas by the difference in pressure from the upstream to the downstream.
- Overproduction - Production in excess of the well's monthly allowable.
- Oxidation - Oxidation is the addition of oxygen, removal of hydrogen, or the removal of electrons from an element or compound. In the environment, organic matter is oxidized to more stable substances.
- Ozone - Ground-level ozone is a colourless gas that forms just above the earth’s surface.
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- Permeability - The quality of the soil to enable water to move downward through the soil.
- pH - Is how basic or acidic something is. pH range is from 0 to 14, where 0 is most acidic, 14 most basic, and 7 is neutral.
- Pig - Devices that are inserted into and travel throughout the length of a pipeline driven by a product flow. They were originally developed to remove deposits which could obstruct or retard flow through a pipeline.
- Pipe - A hollow tube that can carry products such as fluid, gas, granular and more. Pipe is identified by nominal pipe size and the wall thickness identified by schedule number.
- Pipe Fitting - A piping component that is used to join piping, change the direction or diameter of piping or end the pipe. They are a versatile piping component which are necessary in modern piping system.
- Pipe Flange - A bolted connection where two pieces of pipe, equipment, fittings or valves are connected together to form a piping system. Flanges provide access for when equipment (or piping) needs to be cleaned, inspected or reconfigured.
- Pipeline - Pipelines include all parts of those physical facilities through which gas, hazordous liquids, or carbon dioxide moves in transportation.
- Pipeline Pigging - A pig is a Pipeline Inspection Gauge. Pig's scrape the inside of the pipeline and perform various maintenance jobs like cleaning, clearing, maintenance, inspection, dimensioning, process and pipeline testing operations on new and existing pipelines.
- Pipe Rack - Used to support piping, instrumentation, cable tray and other components in a process facility.
- Pool - A natural underground reservoir containing an accumulation of petroleum.
- Porosity - The ratio between the pore volume of a substance and its total volume. Porosity of a measure of a rocks capacity to store fluids.
- Pressure - It is the force exerted perpendicular to the surface of an object and is expressed as force per unit area.
- Pressure Loss - The difference in upstream and downstream pressure.
- Pressure Vessel - They can used for storage of high pressure gas, gas scrubbers, two and three phase separators and other functions. They can have various internals depending on the process.
- Process Flow Diagram - Shows the relationships between the major components of a system or process plant.
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- Reactor - The vessel in which chemical reactions takes place.
- Reclamation - The process of restoring the surface area of a well site, access road and related facilities to original conditions.
- Reduced Crude - The product obtained after removal, by atmospheric distillation, of the light components of crude oil.
- Regasification - The process by which LNG is heated, converting it into its gaseous state.
- Reseller - A firm (other than a refiner) that is engaged in a trade or business that buys refined petroleum products and then sells them to a purchaser who is not the ultimate consumer of those refined products.
- Reservoir - A porous and permeable underground formation containing a natural accumulation of producible oil and/or gas that is confined by impermeable rock or water barriers and is individual and separate from other reservoirs.
- Residue - The bottoms from a crude oil distilling unit, vacuum flasher, thermal cracker or visbreaker.
- Reynolds Number - Measures the ratio of inertial forces (forces that remain at rest or in uniform motion) to viscosity forces (the resistance to flow).
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- Saturated Steam - The point (temperature and pressure) when steam is in contact with the liquid water (boiling) it came from. This steam contains small quanities of water and is considered to be wet steam.
- Sea Star - A semi-submersible type of oil rig used for depths of up to 3500 feet. The oil rig rests on hollow barges in a star configuration which is attached to the sea bed with tension legs that allow for a bit of movement due to rough weather.
- Sour Crude - Has a sulfur content of greater than 0.5% by weight.
- Sour Gas - Sour gas is natural gas or any other gas containing significant amounts of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). It is extremely poisonous, highly corrosive, explosive, colourless, and foul smelling. The higher the sulphide content, the more the processing steps required during refining. Sweet crude generally has very little or trace amounts of the sulphide, although sour crude has higher sulphide content.
- Specific Gravity - The density or ratio of any substance to another substance. It sometimes may be called just gravity or relative density. When calculating the specific gravity of a liquid or solid, water is normally the comparison (water has a specific gravity of 1).
- Specific Heat - The amount of energy required to increase one gram of a substance by 1 degree celsius.
- Splash Plate - A splash plate, inlet diverter or inlet deflector takes the inlet flow and causes it to change direction suddenly.
- Spot Market - Short term, non-regulated, arms length contract sales of natural gas, crude oil, refined products, or liquid petroleum gas.
- Stack Gas - Anything that comes out of a burner stack in gaseous form, usually consisting of mostly nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
- Steam - The invisible vapor (gas) when water is heated to its boiling point and passes from a liquid to a gaseous state.
- Storage Tank - Used to store volumes of fluids for storage or as part of a process.
- Strainer - Closed vessels that collect solid particles to be separated while passing a fluid through a removable screen.
- Structural - Uses physics principles and materials to designs projects like bridges, buildigs, industrial facilities and tunnels. Structural engineers are responsible for the stability of the buildings and facilities, not the design or looks like an architect.
- Sulfur - A yellowish nonmetallic element, sometimes known as brimstone. It is present at various levels of concentration in many fossil fuels whose combustion releases sulfur compounds that are considered harmful to the environment.
- Sulfur Dioxide - A major component of a group of airborne contaminants termed acidifying emissions.
- Sweet Crude - Has a sulfur content of less than 0.5% by weight.
- Sweet Gas - All natural gas except sour gas and casinghead gas.
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- Tail Ends - Small amounts of hydrocarbon in a cut that vaporizes slightly outside the effective initial boiling point and the effective end point.
- Tail Gas - The lightest hydrocarbon gas released from a refining process.
- Tail Gas Treating Unit - Refinery process unit used to control emissions of sulfur compounds; generally integrated with a sulfur recovery unit.
- Tank Farm - A term applied to a battery of storage tanks.
- Tank Station - A tank farm located alongside of a pipeline.
- Temperature - The amount of heat or cold, but it is neither heat or cold.
- Temporary Strainer - A startup strainer, also known as a witch’s hat or conical strainer, in installed in a system to remove unwanted debris from the process stream. It can be installed to protect a flow meter, pump, control or relief valves or other pieces of equipment during startup.
- Tank Battery - A group of tanks at a well site used to store oil prior to sale to a pipeline company.
- Thermal Conductivity - The ability to transfer heat within a material without any motion of the material. Depending on the material, the transfer rate will vary. The lower the conductivity, the slower the transfer. The higher the conductivity, the faster the transfer.
- Thermal Cracking - Conversion of heavy oil molecules into lighter fractions by the use of high temperatures without the aid of catalysts.
- Thermal Energy - The exertion of power that is created by heat, or the increase in temperature.
- Thermal Expansion - The increase in length, area or volume due to the increase (in some cased decrease) in temperature.
- Tight Gas - Natural gas produced from relatively impermeable rock. Getting tight gas out usually requires enhanced technology applications like hydraulic fracturing. The term is generally used for reservoirs other than shale.
- Topsides - Facilities designed for the production of oil & gas in an offshore environment. Topsides are designed to sit on a fixed or floating base. Topsides may include equipment or facilities for drilling, production, and/or accommodation of offshore personnel.
- Tot Tap - Tapping into a pipeline to add a new section of pipe, a branch, valve or pump.
- Transmission Pipeline - When not specified includes both hazardous liquids and natural gas transmission pipelines. These pipelines carry oil, petroleum products, natural gas, natural gas liquids, anhydrous ammoia and carbon diozide from producing regions of the country to markets.
- Transmission Pipeline Corridor - A linear area where pipeline systems are closely grouped in a single right-of-way.
- Turbine Oil - A well refined, selected petroleum distillate, or mixture of such with a bright stock, used for lubricating steam turbines. These oils show high resistance to emulsification with water and to oxidation under conditions of use.
- Turnaround - A planned complete shutdown of an entire process or section of a refinery, or of an entire refinery to perform major maintenance, overhaul, and repair operations and to inspect, test, and replace pro- cess materials and equipment.
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- Unlined Pit - The ground is excavated to create a dugout to store fresh water.
- Upstream - A sector of the petroleum industry referring to the searching for, recovery and production of crude oil and natural gas. Also known as the exploration and production sector.
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- Valve - A mechanism used to stop or open and regulate flow.
- Vapor - The gas state of a liquid or solid. Both vapor and gas are basically the same thing. Gas just happens to be the term normally used.
- Vapor Pressure - The pressure at a certain temperature when the liquid and vapor are in equilibrium. Liquid vapor pressure is measured in the laboratory at 100 degrees fahrenheit and is referred to as the Reed Vapor Pressure. As the temperature of a liquid increases, the vapor pressure also increases.
- Vapor Lock - Is the phenomenon of insufficient gasoline flow from a fuel pump due to its inability to pump the mixture that results from low pressure or high temperature, which has high volatility.
- Vessel Internals - Vessels have internals to help them effectively process the fluids go through it.
- Virgin Stock - Petroleum oils that have not been cracked or otherwise subjected to any treatment that would produce appreciable chemical change in their components.
- Viscosity - The measure of the internal friction/resistance to the flow of a liquid. Lower viscosity fluids flow easily in pipes where high viscosity fluids have a have a higher pressure drop.
- Volumetric Flow Rate - The amount of fluid that flows in a given time past a specific point or you could say the actual volume flow.
- Vortex Breaker - This is a vortex breaker installed on the outlet nozzle of a new tank. It is in the process of being coated and being sandblasted.
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- Water Gas - A gas made by forcing steam over incandescent carbon (coke) whereby there results a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
- Wave Breaker - In long horizontal vessels it is necessary to install wave breakers or stilling baffles, which are nothing more than vertical baffles spanning the gas-liquid interface and perpendicular to the flow.
- Weir - In liquid-liquid separation, the lighter of two liquids might have an overflow weir. Using residence time, chemicals or heat, two immiscible liquids are allowed to separate.
- Well - A hole drilled to find or delimit a petroleum deposit and/or produce petroleum or water for injection purposes, inject gas, water or another medium, or map or monitor well parameters. A well may consist of one or more well paths and may have one or more terminal points.
- Well Types -
- Wellbore - A hole drilled or bored into the earth, usually cased with metal pipe, for the production of gas or oil.
- Wellhead - The control equipment fitted to the top of the well consisting of outlets, valves, blowout preventors, etc.
- Wet Gas - Produced gas that contains natural gas liquids.
- Wet Steam - Contains both water and steam held in suspension just below the satutation temperature.
- Wetting Perimeter - The portion of the channel or pipe that is in contact with the fluid flowing.
- Wire Rope - A rope whose strands are made of wires and twisted or woven together.
- Working Pressure - The normal pressure that a system operates at.
- Worm - A coil of pipe for condensing vapors.