Classical Mechanics Glossary

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  • Abrasion  -  The destruction of a material caused by scraping or rubbing against a rough, hard surface.
  • Abrasion Resistance  -  The ability to withstand scuffing, scratching, rubbing or deterioration due to physical contact.
  • Abrasive  -  A material that is able to remove the surface of another material.
  • Absolute Roughness  -  A measure of the roughness of the inside of a flowing pipe.
  • Absolute Vacuum  -  Contains no matter and can not be achieved.
  • Acceleration  -  The rate of change of velocity.  Whenever a mass experiences a force, an acceleration is acting.
  • Acceleration due to Gravity  -  The force on an object caused only by gravity.
  • Acceleration from Force  -  The mass and the net forces acting on the object.
  • Acceleration of Gravity  -  The force on an object caused only by gravity.
  • Affinity Laws  -  Express the mathematical relationship between the several variables involved in pump performance.
  • Air Resistance  -  A force that opposes an object as it moves through the air.
  • Allowable Stress  -  The maximum stress that a material can safely withstand under specific operating conditions.
  • Angular Acceleration  -  The rate at which the angle velocity changes with respect to time.
  • Angular Deflection  -  When a flex connector is bent on it's centerline.  One end of the hose assembly is deflected or bent with the other end remaining parallel.
  • Angular Deflection Length  -
  • Angular Displacement  -  The angle through which a body moves in a circular path.
  • Angular Momentum  -  How much an object is rotating around a fixed point.
  • Angular Momentum of an Object with Linear Momentum  -  The porportion of the average net torque and the time interval the torque is applied to.
  • Angular Velocity  -  The speed that an object moves through an angle, θ.  The calculation below calculates ω but does not calculate the relative velocity of a point as it moves throughout the curve.
  • Angular Speed  -  The speed that an object moves through an angle, θ.  The calculation below calculates ω but does not calculate the relative velocity of a point as it moves throughout the curve.
  • Angular Velocity of a Rolling Sphere  -  Without slipping is the velocity of a point on the circumference (relative to the center of the sphere), divided by the radius of the sphere.
  • API Gravity  -  If a fluids API gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on water; if less than 10, it is heavier and sinks.
  • Applied Force  - Can come from different types of forces, one of them could be Newton's Second Law.
  • Area Moment of Inertia  -  The resistance of an object to bend around a certain axis of a area cross-section.
  • Atmospheric Pressure  -  The pressure exerted upon the earth's surface by the air because of the gravitational attraction of the earth.
  • Average Acceleration  -  The change of velocity over an elapsed amount of time.  Whereas, instantaneous accleration is the change of velocity at a specific point in time.
  • Average Angular Acceleration  -  The average rate at which the angle velocity changes with respect to time.
  • Average Angular Velocity Change in Velocity  -  When an object makes changes in its angular velocity at different times that is an average angular velocity of any given velocities.
  • Average Velovity Change in Velovity  -  When an object make changes in its velocity at different times that is an average velocity of any given velocities.
  • Axial Deflection  -  When a flex connector is compressed or stretched on it's centerline which usually occurs from the change in temperature.
  • Axial Force  -  The force acting parallel to the longitudinal x-axis.  Also called shear force.
  • Axial Stiffness  -  The ratio of the axlal load to axial deflection.  An axial load happens when a force is applied parallel to the axis of another object.




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  • Deceleration  -  The rate of change of velocity, this is the opposite of acceleration.
  • Deflection  -  The change in the position of something from zero or from its normal position.
  • Deformation  -  Measured by how much an object is deformed from its origional dimensions.
  • Deformation Coefficient  -  The force restricting the movement of an object that is sliding or rolling and one or both surfaces are relatively soft and deformed by the forces.
  • Deformation Wear  -  A type of wear that occurs when two surfaces come into contact and undergo plastic deformation, resulting in material loss or surface damage.
  • Degradation  -  A deleterious change in the physical properties evidenced by impairment of these properties.
  • Deionization  -  The process which removes soluble matter from water by by ion exchange using natural or synthetic resins.
  • Density  -  The ratio of the amount of matter in an object compared to its volume.
  • Density of an Ideal Gas  -  Greatly affected by pressure.
  • Density of Material due to Temperature  -
  • Design Pressure  -  Also known as working pressure.  The normal pressure that a system operates at.
  • Differential  -  The quantitative difference between two or more forcespressuretime, etc.
  • Diffusion  -  The spread of gases, liquids, or solids from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.
  • Displacement  -  The change in position.
  • Displacement Power  -  The amount of power required to displace an object a certain distance over time with a known force.
  • Distance  -  The dimension from one point to another point or the dimension from one end to the other end of an object.
  • Doppler Effect  -  The increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move toward (or away) each other.
  • Drag Coefficient  -  A force that opposes an object as it moves through the air.


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  • Efficiency  -  Expressed in percentage and always less than 100%.
  • Elastic Deformation  -  The reversible and temporary change in shape or size of a material when subjected to external forces or loads within its elastic limit.
  • Elastic Modulus  -  The ratio of the stress applied to a body or substance to the resulting strain within the elastic limits.
  • Elastic Modulus of Concrete  -  Valid for normal weight concrete.
  • Elasticity  -  Measures the stiffness of an elastic material.
  • Elongation  -  The increase in length to which a material is to be stretched prior to rupture.
  • Elongation Percentage  -  The percentage of elongation at the fracture.
  • Energy  -  Never created or destroyed, First Law of Thermodynamics, but it can be transferred from one object to another.
  • Equilibrium  -  When all the net external forces that act upon an object are balanced.
  • Escape Velocity  -  The minimum velocity required to leave a planet or moon or the minimum velocity to overcome the pull of gravity.












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  • Physical Properties  -  Those properties familiarly discussed in physics, for example, density, electrical conductivity, and thermal expansion coefficient, exclusive of those described under mechanical properties.
  • Plasma  -  It is everywhere in the universe and the most common of all matter.  Of all types of matter it is closest to a gas.
  • Plastic Deformation  -  The permanent and non-reversible change in shape or size of a material when subjected to external forces or loads beyond its elastic limit.
  • Poisson's Ratio  -  The elastic ratio between lateral strain and longitudinal strain.
  • Polar Moment of Inertia  -  Defines the resistance of a cross-section to torsional deformation, due only to the shape of the cross-section.
  • Potential Energy  -  The possessed energy by a body due to its relative position in a gravitational field.
  • Power  -  The rate of doing work or the rate of using energy per unit time.
  • Power Velocity  -
  • Pressure  -  The force exerted perpendicular to the surface of an object and is expressed as force per unit area.
  • Pressure Differential  -  The pressure difference between two points of a system.
  • Proof Stress  -  A specified stress to be applied to a member or structure to indicate its ability to withstand service loads.




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  • Second Area Moment  -  The resistance of an object to bend around a certain axis of a area cross-section.
  • Second Moment of Area  -  The resistance of an object to bend around a certain axis of a area cross-section.
  • Service Factor  -  Used to reduce a strength value to obtain an engineering design stress.
  • Shear Carriage  -  Bottom section of the shear that rises when a cut is made and catches the pieces of scrap.  Located at the weld.
  • Shear Crack  -  A diagonal, transgranular crack caused by shear stresses.
  • Shear Force  -  The force acting perpendicular to the longitudinal x-axis.  Also called axial force. 
  • Shear Modulus  -  The ratio of the tangential force per unit area applied to a body or substance to the resulting tangential strain within the elastic limits.
  • Shear Modulus of Elasticity  -  The ratio of the tangential force per unit area applied to a body or substance to the resulting tangential strain within the elastic limits.
  • Strain  -  Opposing forces acting parrallel to the cross-section of a body.
  • Shear Strength  -  The stress requied to produce a fracture in the plane of ctoss-section, the condition of loading being so much that the directions of force and of resistance are parallel and opposite although their paths are offset a specified minimum amount.
  • Shear Stress  -  Tends to deform the material by breaking rather than stretching without changing the volume by restraining the object.
  • Solid  -  Has particles that are compressed together in an orderly pattern.
  • Specific Gravity  -  The density or ratio of any substance to another substance.  It sometimes may be called just gravity or relative density.
  • Specific Gravity of Gas  -  The ratio of the density of the gas to the density of air at a standard pressure and temperature.
  • Specific Gravity of Soil  -  The mass of solids in the soil compared to the mass of water at the same volume.
  • Specific Volume  -  A intensive variable whose physical quantity value does not depend on the amount of the substance for which it is measured.
  • Specific Weight  -  The weight per unit volume of a substance.
  • Specific Mass  -  The ratio of the amount of matter in an object compared to its volume.Speed  -  The rate of change or distance with time.
  • Speed of Light  -  A speed which remains constant irrespective of the speed of the source of the light or of the observer.
  • Speed of Sound  -  The distance traveled for a specific time through a medium from particle to particle.
  • Stagnation Pressure  -  The pressure a fluid exerts when the velocity of the fluid is zero.
  • Static Efficiency  -  Measure of an air mover's efficiency based on its air horsepower in terms of flow and static pressure vs. required shaft input power.
  • Static Friction  -  The force that resists relative movement and keeps objects at rest.
  • Static Pressure  -  The difference in air pressure between the suction side and pressure side of a blower.
  • Statics  -  Concerns itself with forces when no change in momentun occurs.
  • Stiffness  -  The resistance of the elastic deformation of an object that applies to both compression and tension.
  • Stopping Distance  -  When a vehicle is moving at a certain velocity then has to come to a complete stop, the distance from applying the brakes to complete stop is the stopping distance.
  • Strain  -  The deformation, stretched or compressed, of a material compared to its original length.
  • Strain Energy  -  The energy stored in an elastic body of the material undergoing deformation.
  • Stress  -  The force per unit area of cross-section.
  • Surface Fatigue Wear  -  Repeated rolling or sliding contact, in which the shear stresses bring about microcracks, particles and form wear pits that destroy the surface.
  • Surface Pressure  -  The lateral force per unit length applied on a line perperdicular to the force.
  • Surface Tension  -  The energy or force at the surface of a liquid that holds it together.



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  • Ultimate Tensile Strength  -  The maximum stress a material can resist before it starts to elongate.
  • Understressing  -  Applying a cyclic stress lower than the endurance limit.
  • Uniform Strain  -  The strain occuring prior to the beginning of localization of strain.



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  • Wear  -  Wear is brought about from the gradual removal of particles due to contacting surfaces in motion, usually sliding, generally as a result of mechanical action.
  • Weight  -  Weight is a force on an object accelerated by gravity.
  • Weight Density  -  The basic difference between density and weight is that weight is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, whereas density measures the amount of matter in a unit volume.
  • Weight Force  -  The force of gravity or the weight.
  • Wind Chill Factor  -  An index of the air temperature and the wind velocity.
  • Wind Energy  -  The kinetic energy of air in motion.
  • Work Done by Gas  -  The product of force and distance but for gas work is pressure and the volume during the change in volume.
  • Work Energy Theorem  -  The change in the kinetic energy of an object is equal to the net work done on the object.
  • Working Pressure  -  The normal pressure that a system operates at.  Also known as design pressure.



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